Guidelines for Rationalisation as per U DISE data- Redeployment of DSC 2012 teachers to needy schools (Rc No.113/IC-2012, Dt 19-03-2013)
The Commissioner & Director of School Education, AP, Hyderabad
vide Proc. Rc.No.113/IC-1,dt.19.03.2013 has informed that, as per the
U-DISE 2012-13 data, there are many number of schools where there is no
enrolment and many number of schools without teachers.
The Director also stated that, Govt in G.O.Ms.No.43,Finance
Department, dt.20.02.2013 has sanctioned 10917 teacher posts to Primary
& UP Schools to comply with the Right to Education (RTE) act.
The Director further issued instructions to position the required
number of SGTs as per RTE norms, based on the enrolment, to the schools
where there are no teachers so that there will not be any schools in the
state functioning without teacher. For this purpose, the teachers
recruited through DSC-2012 may be reposted/redployed to the '0' teacher
schools and needy schools as per RTE norms. Similarly, schools without
any enrolment can be merged to nearby schools. The process should be completed before 31-04-2013.
Staff pattern for Primary Schools & Primary sections of UP Schools
Strength Head Master No of SGTs Total
Upto 19 - 1 1
20 - 60 - 2 2
61 - 90 1 2 3
91 - 120 1 3 4
121- 150 1 4 5
151 - 200 1 5 6
201 - 240 1 6 7
241 -280 1 7 8
281 - 320 1 8 9
321 - 360 1 9 10
361 - 400 1 10 11