Collection of donations for CMRF & AP State Capital Development Fund under the Head -CMRF-Orders-Issued(G.O.No.201 Dt 18-10-2014)
The Government permitted
all the banks in the State which are collecting revenue to the State
Government to mobilise donations for Andhra Pradesh State New Capital Development
(APSNCD) Fund, as well as for Relief to the Cyclone Victims, under the head,
Chief Minister Relief Fund. .
The donor will get a receipt immediately on making payment through the net -banking. He will also get an acknowledgement/ letter of thanks immediately on payment of the donation. The donor will get an Official Receipt from Revenue Department which can be used for Income Tax exemption purpose.
The donor will get a receipt immediately on making payment through the net -banking. He will also get an acknowledgement/ letter of thanks immediately on payment of the donation. The donor will get an Official Receipt from Revenue Department which can be used for Income Tax exemption purpose.